The Battery Genuis
Powerstride’s Proper Battery Care Tip # 1
New batteries should be given a full charge before useThis is a very “common sense” tip! To get the longest possible life out of your battery, make you start it off from a healthy place. We "Top-Charge" every battery that we ship, but not all distributors do. As a rule of thumb always
check that voltage upon receiving your battery. Keeping your batteries topped
off before storage or even before use is a great habit. The key to long life for a battery is using it! This wi
Apr 12th 2024
What does "Smart Charger" mean?
In short..?It means that particular charging manufacturer's marketing department has been working overtime to come up with a way to make you think their technology is more sophisticated than "the other guys'" technology.There are many terms used today to describe one brands technological superiority over another.As a consumer, it's easy to get glamored by advertised battery and charger "technology" but it's really important to remember the rechargeable lead acid battery was invented over 150 yea
Feb 7th 2015